Membership has it’s perks

Is becoming a member of Lux Rae Loft something you should consider? ABSOLUTELY! You may be thinking you’re not sure if you’ll have use for all the hours our membership options have, but you might be wrong. Below are some common reservations and why I think you should overcome them.

1. I can’t afford a monthly membership.

You shouldn’t have to! You do not pay for our studio. Repeat after me, “I do not pay for the studio”. Well then, who does? Your clients. A studio is a cost of doing business. Just because it’s not your name on the lease, doesn’t mean that renting it isn’t a cost of doing business. Let’s do some math!

How many sessions do you plan to do in a year? Take that number and divide it by 12 to get the average of how many session you would shoot per month if all months were equal. Let’s be conservative and say you plan to shoot the average of 3 sessions a month. You would need to raise your average session price by $83 to cover the cost of our basic membership. So let’s say you raise all of your prices by $100 and start a membership with us. What is the benefit to you? Not only do you have a minimum of 6 built in hours in our studio each and every month, but you also have a place to come and create reels, edit in the quiet, practice new skills, develop your portfolio, host your own workshop, and work with me to help develop your brand. Pretty awesome, right?

2. I may not use all my hours each month so I don’t feel like I’m getting my investment worth.

Wrong! You may use all your hours and then some in some months and other months maybe you don’t use all the hours. Our language surrounding hours is “up to x amount of hours” for a reason. You do not have to use all of the hours every single month to get the value. You will have access to free classes and workshops and early bird bookings to styled sets at 50% off that are also giving you tons of value. Not to mention you’ll get at least 1 free coaching call to help you utilize the studio and your marketing plan for the next 6 months plus you’ll be the first to get referrals when they come into our studio. To top it off, you’ll also have opportunities to participate in fun networking events we hope to add to our 2023 schedule. Value, value, value.

3. How will a coaching call help me?

Good question! As the owner of Lux Rae Loft, I have years of experience in growing a scaling business. I created Lux Rae Loft and went from zero customers to averaging over 250 new customers year over year. I understand branding and speaking to your ideal customer. Not only do I run a successful studio, I have also run my own successful photography businesses. Including the newly relaunched, Lux Rae Media. I know my studio better than anyone and am confident I can help you put together a plan to utilize your hours and grow your brand and business. Let’s do this!

beautiful images by Cassidy Zylawy Photo.

Any other reservations? E-mail me! Let’s talk about them. These memberships are SUCH an amazing deal, I have a limited amount I can take on. So if this sounds like it’s for you, go for it! I’m cheering for you.


Portfolio Day


How to make the studio work for you.